Wednesday 7 March 2018

Dolce To-Do ~ March List!

March is here and we are getting closer to warmer weather! As preparations for the Spring season being, so does the desire for revitalization in our lives.  This month's list is full of ideas to help refresh and rejuvenate our spirits!  Happy Planning! :)

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1. Clean out your clutter ~ As the season begins to change, so do our wardrobe choices. As you swap our your winter clothes and make room for your spring selection, do an inventory check of your closet and declutter all of those unwanted/unused items.

2. Go Green ~ In honour of St. Patricks Day this month, enjoy some green coloured menu items! For example, try a new green smoothie recipe, whip up some green pea soup, or make it an all-green veggies night at dinner!  

3. Spring Decor ~  Easter Bunnies, Lilies and Coloured Eggs - Oh my!  'Tis the season to break out the spring decor, and according to this year's calendar, the Easter decor as well!  With fresh flowers and plants, as well as pastel coloured knick-knacks, your home is sure to feel fresh and vibrant!

4. Workout Routine ~  Okay, so your plans to start exercising in the new year haven't exactly kicked off as you wanted.  If you're serious about getting into shape this year, now is the time to figure out your workout routine and get started - especially if you're aiming for that beach body by summer!

5. Book a getaway ~  With March Break this month, you have the opportunity to take the family on a fun adventure!  Even if you want to stay local, there are plenty of fun activities to see and do around the city. It's a good time to take advantage of some great promotions!

6. Get Learning ~  So you've always wanted to try ...  well whatever it is, now is the time to check out if there is a class for it!  Spring registration begins early, so be sure to check your local community centres or collages now for any upcoming courses.

7. Celebrate the butterfly ~ March 14th marks National Butterfly Day!  Visit a butterfly conservatory and take a moment to admire these beautiful creatures!

8. Spritz on the perfume - March 21st marks International Fragrance Day!  Spoil yourself with a new perfume, or bask in your one of your all-time favourite scents!

9. Girl Time ~ Seeing as March is a month dedicated to the celebration of women, particularly on March 8th - International Women's Day - take some time time to hang out with your girlfriends!  Whether it be a night on the town, a day at the spa, or a chill-fest on the couch, be sure to enjoy some quality time with your besties!

10. Reflect ~ With a new season, comes a renewed sense of spirit.  Take some time to reflect on where you are in life and where you are headed.  Are you travelling in the right direction?  Are you on the path to achieve the goals you set at the beginning of this year?  If you find yourself answering no, then take some time to evaluate your situation, and see what improvements you can make, so you can get back on track! 

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