Monday, 11 September 2017


This week's new music is by non other than one of Italy greatest rock stars, Vasco Rossi.  At age 65, Rossi is still "rocking on" and producing great music.  He is a legend in the Italian music industry, providing a sound track for countless lives, young and old.

With his music experiences staring at the young age of 13, when he won a singing festival for youth, Vasco has literally grown up in the music business.  During his career, he has released over 25 albums, and written over 250 songs.  He is comparable to North American music legends, like U2 or The Rolling Stones, and just like them, he too embodies the true definition of "sex, drugs and rock n' roll," with his carefree lifestyle and provocative lyrics.  He even describes such a desired life in one of his greatest hits, Vita Spericolata.

Currently, Rossi is chart topping with the song entitled, "Come Nelle Favole", which means, "Like in Fairytales."  It's a beautifully romantic song, which describes the heights two people can achieve when in love.  Vasco describes this idealistic life with beautifully simple aspects such as laying on the couch with one another talking about nothing in particular, or drinking and laughing in a bar together. Once again Rossi enraptures his fans with his prophetically styled lyrics, raspy signature voice, and heavy-riffed melody.

References: BBC Music and Billboard
Lyric Translation: lyrics; revisions by Viva la Dolce

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