Monday 26 March 2018


This week's Music Monday track is a fun, upbeat tempo song, with some interesting, food-for-thought lyrics.  

The song, "Una Vita in Vacanza," by Lo Stato Sociale, was this year's 2nd place winner at Italy's famous Sanremo Festival.  This is not surprising, as it's a catchy song, with a "who cares, let's enjoy life" kind of vibe - something very familiar to Italian culture!  The song's popularity was boosted with the inclusion of a performance by 83-year-old dancer, Paddy Jones, during the group's Sanremo presentation.  Jones was there to represent the lyric, "la vecchia che balla" ("the old lady that dances"), found in the song's chorus.  It is definitely a sight to see!

Check out the fun video and lyrics below:

           *translation by with some edits by Viva la Dolce


  1. Danila, I love this Music Monday thing you have going on! I just love love love using music to learn. It's one of the first things I started doing when I was learning Italian!!!

    1. Thank you! Music is a passion of mine - especially Italian music :) And yes, it is such a great tool for learning language! Stay tuned for the next Music Monday ;)



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