Tuesday, 4 August 2020


So excited to announce this new series created by Jenny Arena from Fables and Focaccia and I!

Throughout the month of August, Jenny and I will be highlighting Tuscan cuisine and language through out "Language and Linguini" virtual classes! Each Wednesday, Jenny will be teaching how to make an authentic dish from the Toscana region, while I will be teaching cuisine related aspects of the Italian language.  Each week will cover a specific part of the meal (ie. primo, secondo, etc.), so that at the end of the month, you will be able to cook a full Tuscan dinner, and of course, speak to your dinner guests in Italian!

Class offering are flexible - you can join in on one class or all four! Each class includes an e-booklet complete with language activities and the recipe being featured.

Follow along on Instgram @vldolce or @foodfables for further details! 

Hope to see you there!

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