Friday 1 January 2021

Happy New Year! Welcome 2021!

This past year was no doubt difficult for all!  The year 2020 was "unprecedented" as we heard many say multiple times, and it definitely taught us a lot about ourselves, our community and the world as a whole.

While there were difficult moments throughout the year, there were also countless fantastic ones!  In fact, if I had to sum up 2020 in three words, they would be CREATIVITY, LOVE and PEACE.

Creativity - The creativity that came out of this year was amazing. Starting with the beautiful ingenuity that we saw at the beginning of the pandemic with all of the special ways people found to communicate and connect while being on lockdown - from balcony dances to IG live concerts, to coffees being transferred from balcony to balcony on a string, these are the beautiful moments I will hold dear from 2020. In addition, I am so grateful for all the fun creative projects I had the opportunity to do - from my Dolce Vita Mercato events (and the amazing community I discovered through them), to TV appearances, to fun musical moments ...these brought me back to my roots and gave me light in this dark year.

Love - It is no doubt we have all been stretched to the max. We all have dealt with hardships this year in a variety of ways...each knows their own story. Through tears, frustration, grief and panic, it is love that has helped us to survive. Through the love and support of others, and most importantly through the love and respect of ourselves, we have made it through. 

Patience - this not THE word of the year? From patience with lockdown schedules, changes in the education system, suddenly wearing ALL of the hats as a parent (a mat leave plus home schooling was interesting to say least...), and many more difficult situations, we have had no choice but to endure it all and patiently wait for it to pass. 

As I look to 2021, I pray for this dreadful pandemic to resolve and for brighter days ahead, but I also hope that all of the positivity and beauty that has come out of 2020 will not be lost but instead continue and flourish into bigger and better things in the new year! 

Cheers / Cin Cin to an amazing 2021! 

Buon anno a tutti! Happy New Year everyone! 

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